Niemeijer Consult Activities
Poverty assessments of Benin, Togo, and Eritrea. Assessment of national
nutrition surveys and other food security data.
Environmental issues and household food security strategies, impact of
devaluation in Benin and Togo on households.
Incidence analysis of several Public Expenditure Reviews in Benin. These
include an analysis of the effects on poverty of public spending in the
health, education, agriculture and transport sectors.
Equity issues in health.
Field surveys
Rapid Appraisal of food security and general poverty issues in Eritrea.
National Assessment Survey of poverty in urban and rural households using
rapid assessment methods. Estimation of household income and consumption
A national rapid assessment survey of small-scale coffee farmer households
in Tanzania to evaluate the impact of Stabex Transfers to Tanzania on the
coffee sector.
Social assessment of urban target populations of the Tuberculosis Control
Program India.
Pilot survey to estimate contribution of non-timber forest products to
the national and regional economy for two provinces of Cameroon.
A rapid assessment survey of the effect of changes in the road network
on the markets and prices of food in Benin.
Development of research methods
Development of survey techniques aiming to integrate rapid appraisal methods
and national survey techniques: a protocol to achieve quantitative results
using qualitative data collection methods at a national scale.
Development of methodology to estimate the contribution of non-timber forest
products to the national economy through rapid assessment methods and field
surveys (together with AIDEnvironment).
Correction methods of national census and nutrition survey data for Pakistan,
India, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Brazil. Using demographic data to correct
for measurement errors in survey data, calculation of best estimates of
child growth parameters.
Software Development
Design of software for integrated development of questionnaire forms and
data-entry in complex surveys. Soon to be available on this web site.
SPSS macro’s for age correction and rounding bias calculations in National
Survey Data.
Pedological software for: 1) plotting of (soil) profile graphs; 2) plotting
of soil texture triangles; 3) estimation of the (robust) semivariance,
including impact assessment of individual data points.
Software for the digital analysis and interpretation of black and white
aerial photography. Including the development of new image processing algorithms.
Cartagis, a Remote Sensing and GIS
software package for the Apple Macintosh
KeyStrokes, an on-screen keyboard for
Macintosh users with a disability. Now also available for Mac OS X.
SwichXS, a single or multiple switch-based computer access solution providing full emulation of mouse and keyboard for use with any standard Mac OS X application.
TouchStrokes, an on-screen keyboard targetted at use with touch screens, drawing tablets
and as a keyboard replacement for network servers.
Research methods consulting
As advisor on research methods and data-analysis, Niemeijer Consult has
been involved in numerous evaluation and monitoring efforts, as well as
academic research projects. Subjects of advice included basic evaluation
design, formulation and design of monitoring programs, survey analysis
or interpretation concerning neighborhood studies, national surveys and
public health issues. Countries concerned (amongst others): Philippines,
India, Pakistan, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Netherlands, Italy, Peru, Sri Lanka,
Ghana, Cameroon, Senegal, Malawi, Bolivia, Benin, Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan.
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